Today is our first day of school for the 2005-06 year.  For days now, Chris has been waking up asking "Can I do math today?"  Saturday he told me that he can't wait for 2 days from now; "Why?" I asked.  "Because I get to start school!"  he replied.

Alex turned to him and said "Don't worry Chris, you won't be so excited for long."  The little Scrooge.


Today is our first day of school for the 2005-06 year.  For days now, Chris has been waking up asking "Can I do math today?"  Saturday he told me that he can't wait for 2 days from now; "Why?" I asked.  "Because I get to start school!"  he replied.

Alex turned to him and said "Don't worry Chris, you won't be so excited for long."  The little Scrooge.

I wish I could bottle Chris' enthusiasm and feed it to them during the year - actually, feed it to myself, as well.  Last year we began with a 13-week study on Earth Science, based on the character trait "Inquisitiveness."  We had a lot of fun but I'll tell you, by the end of that unit I was pooped!  We picked up again after the holidays with smaller units, but I never really did regain the momentum I had for that first unit.

This year we're beginning with 10 weeks on "Stewardship."  I think this is as much for my benefit as for theirs.  We're going to study Ecology/Conservation, Money and Time Management, Diet and Nutrition, Exercise and Rest.  These are all topiics where our whole family has lost focus.  I haven't recycled anything since moving to Round Rock almost 3 years ago.  That's just wrong!

So, we're starting a family recycling program and we'll take regular trips to the Round Rock Recycling Center.  We're also going to try to tour the Garbage Dump.  If we don't get some funny stories out of that one I' might as well just hang up the blog.

We're going to use Dinah Zike's books on manipulatives to make notebooks and fun things out of paper.  Talk about full contact Origami, just pick up one of her books!

Well, time to round up the kiddos and see just how long it takes to squelch the excitement of a 5 year old.

Got a timer?