Today marks the One-Year Anniversary of Gooblink's Obstreperous Heart! 

From the first time I read Gooblink in Dr. Suess's <i>The Gink</i>, I knew it was the word for me.  I was so excited when I Googled Gooblink and it came up dry.  Now, there are at least 2 full pages of references.  Mine - all mine!

I remember when I hit the 'Publish' key on my first post and waited with bated breath for those traffic stats to climb.

Today marks the One-Year Anniversary of Gooblink's Obstreperous Heart! 

From the first time I read Gooblink in Dr. Suess's <i>The Gink</i>, I knew it was the word for me.  I was so excited when I Googled Gooblink and it came up dry.  Now, there are at least 2 full pages of references.  Mine - all mine!

I remember when I hit the 'Publish' key on my first post and waited with bated breath for those traffic stats to climb.

And waited.

And waited.

Hmmm.  Is this thing on?  Sent e-mail to all my friends and family, notifying them of my new blog.

And waited.

Sent mass-e-mail campaign to all my Outlook contacts - even the people I don't remember - with shameless self-promotion of my blog.

And waited some more.

Began randomly dropping cards reading "" throughout Austin and surounding areas... .

Now, 1 year later, hits to my site have reached the bandwidth breaking volume of, oh, 1600 per day, out of the estimated 10s-of-millions of people who surf the web. 

My little corner of the cyberworld.

I thought I'd share some of the highlights - some of my favorite posts, at least - in case you've joined the party late.  And if you've been reading, please drop me a comment and let me know.  We bloggers are a narcissistic bunch who measure our worth in 'number of hits' and 'comments.' 

You know, like guys and their shoe sizes.

Enjoy!  And Thank You for coming back to visit!

"The Golden Lube Award"

"Is That A Real Man?"

"Happy Mother's Day, Can You Still Use That Right Eye?"

"Barber in A Box"

"Should We be Singing this Around the Kids?"

"Stranger than Science Fiction"

"Aaron and the Big, Golden Puffs?"