I was driving home on Friday night and while stopped at an intersection noted the worn, middle-aged man holding a sign reading “Anything helps.”  I had only a few dollars in my pocket, which was more than I usually carry, so I dug it out and gave him one.


I was driving home on Friday night and while stopped at an intersection noted the worn, middle-aged man holding a sign reading “Anything helps.”  I had only a few dollars in my pocket, which was more than I usually carry, so I dug it out and gave him one.

When the light turned green, my van moved forward, following the SUV with a school of fish plastered on its rear cargo door that was stopped at the light in front of me.  As the distance stretched between my van and the man standing at the corner, I regretted  not giving him all 4 dollars in my pocket, after all, what was I saving it for?

It made me wonder, though, which the man was more likely to remember:  the measly $1 passed to him by a stranger or the expensive SUV with the school of fish on the back that didn’t even crack a window.

I’ll not likely ever paste a fish to the back of my car, but I am going to try to carry more cash.