Well, our trip to MI is a no-go for now.

The boat sale is still pending and set to close at the end of the week, but other business concerns are preempting our trip. Chuck and his crew need to hire a Web developer – which is good news – but, sadly, a full load of deliverables means that he’s got to be in town.
Entreprenuer Lesson #1: Don’t fool yourself by thinking that you can work for yourself. Everybody serves somebody.

Hey, isn’t there a Bob Dylan song with the same message?

Entreprenuer Lesson #2: Don’t fool yourself by thinking that you can set your own hours. The days are long and there are no “weekends” or “holidays” for the start-up business owner.

Why bother?

Because anything worth having, is worth working for. (Cliche police, help!) Sweat equity now for sweet future freedom. Our goal is to build a $20M company in 5 years, then retire early.

Big, Hairy and Audacious! (Not us, the Goal.)