Where has all the funny gone?
I'm sorry I've neglected you my little bloggy pet. It seems my time has been held hostage by a new love - the writer's forum.
"Writers forum?" you ask. Yes, it's true. I've been cheating on you and posting more to the forum than to you, dear.
But don't fret. The forum could never take your place. Not for good, anyway.
I'll be back soon to grace these virtual pages with the quips and essays of a recovering rebel, housewife and home schooling mom. All I need is a good night's sleep and a minor fiasco caused by my husband to provide some inspiration.
No, Alex's yelling "Mom, Jon doesn't want a box of Kotex for his birthday!" in Target today wasn't inspiration enough. It's got to be bigger, louder.
Keep my seat warm.
Truly yours,
Where has all the funny gone?
I'm sorry I've neglected you my little bloggy pet. It seems my time has been held hostage by a new love - the writer's forum.
"Writers forum?" you ask. Yes, it's true. I've been cheating on you and posting more to the forum than to you, dear.
But don't fret. The forum could never take your place. Not for good, anyway.
I'll be back soon to grace these virtual pages with the quips and essays of a recovering rebel, housewife and home schooling mom. All I need is a good night's sleep and a minor fiasco caused by my husband to provide some inspiration.
No, Alex's yelling "Mom, Jon doesn't want a box of Kotex for his birthday!" in Target today wasn't inspiration enough. It's got to be bigger, louder.
Keep my seat warm.
Truly yours,