Gooblink has been up and on the web for one month!!  Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!

We're scheduled to go camping again this weekend; this time with our good friends Kim and Cliff and kids.  How fun will that be?  Let's see, we're expecting thunderstorms and we've got 2 guys each with a proclivity for doing scary things with propane.  You will either hear about us on the news or I'll be posting some pretty good stories.  Pray for us.


Gooblink has been up and on the web for one month!!  Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!

We're scheduled to go camping again this weekend; this time with our good friends Kim and Cliff and kids.  How fun will that be?  Let's see, we're expecting thunderstorms and we've got 2 guys each with a proclivity for doing scary things with propane.  You will either hear about us on the news or I'll be posting some pretty good stories.  Pray for us.
