
Betcha thought I dropped out, eh? 

It's okay, I had my moment of doubt, too.  I rolled into Thanksgiving week under 27,000 words, knowing that I'd not likely get much writing done over our trip to Florida.  We headed out of town last Sunday; me armed with the AlphaSmart Neo and my novel on a USB flash drive.  I managed to squeak out a couple thousand words during the trip, but found it hard to get in the groove.

When I woke this morning and calculated that winning NaNo was going to take more than 20,000 words over the next three days, the fight-or-flight instinct set in and I got down to typing.

I'm ready to call it a night, but feel confident that I'll hit the 50,000 word goal by midnight November 30th.  I do have until midnight, right?

Okay, so that's 10,000 words less than my personal 60,000 word goal, but, that's been the story of my life - whatever it takes to get by.

I'll work on behavior modification once NaNo is over.

Thank you for hanging on with me for the ride!