Julie said something about pictures?   I know I don't post enough of them; I don't know how to format text around them, but here goes...

Julie said something about pictures?   I know I don't post enough of them; I don't know how to format text around them, but here goes...

 Alex, Chris and PumpkinHere are Alex, Chris and their new sister, Pumpkin.  Can you see the family resemblance in the cheekbones?  


These are my guys at Sea World.  Aren't they cute? The Guys At Sea World 










So this is the true meaning of 'house breaking.'  Here, I thought it was the process of House Breaking, House Brokentraining our dog that the dining room carpet was not her personal toilet!  No! I was wrong!  It really is house-breaking.  She's dug a hole almost clean through the drywall.  I don't know what's in there.  If it's a dead body, I don't want to know.  If it's drugs - I hope they're good.
This was Chris's 6th birthday Chris's Birthday (June 7, 2006)(June 7, 2006) and he's having trouble blowing out the candles.  There I am, struggling against emptying my own lungs.  He's been spitting all over the cake and, as you might notice, I like cake.
 And here's Alex.Alex G-Force  Dancing to the  beat of his own drum...OK.




I went out to do a little weeding only to Weeded Lawndiscover that our whole lawn was weeds.  Oops!  There's a neighborhood restriction against all-dirt landscapes, so we planted grass seed.  Hope it germinates!