Last night after the boys finished their communal shower (and only emptied ONE bottle of body wash making "potions" because I was SMART this time and removed all other lathering liquiform agents from the vicinity), Alex towel dried his hair and announced that he was going to stage an experiment.


Last night after the boys finished their communal shower (and only emptied ONE bottle of body wash making "potions" because I was SMART this time and removed all other lathering liquiform agents from the vicinity), Alex towel dried his hair and announced that he was going to stage an experiment.

"You know how I always wake up with hair sticking up?"  He began, "Well, I'm going to brush my wet hair so that it's all sticking up before I go to bed, then, see if when I wake-up tomorrow, it is all flat."

"Okay, that sounds interesting." I answered, trying not to laugh too hard.  I sure don't want to squelch his inquisitive spirit.

Off to bed they went, Chris with his hair wet and flat and Alex, with his hair looking like he sat too long with a bobby-pin stuck in an electrical outlet. 

I had forgotten about the experiment until, some time after they emerged from their shared bedroom this morning, Chris looked at Alex and announced "Hey, Alex, your experiment worked!"  Sure enough, Alex's hair was flat while Chris looked like a young Albert Einstein.  Alex has discovered the cure to bed-head.

I'm kind of sorry, though.  I love unruly hair and last night's experiment reminded me that it will not be too much longer before the boys will cease to tolerate my exploitation of their "cuteness."