Theology, Sort Of
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 11309
For years I considered Easter to be one of those - meh, religious - holidays that could come or go and I wouldn't care either way.
Then, one day, I got it.
I got that God humbled himself and was born into this fallen world as the man Jesus. He lived our lives, suffered our sufferings, toiled as we do - only he did it without falling short of God's standards...he lived it perfectly. He taught others who God really is and how He desires to reconcile every man, woman and child back to Himself.
Good Friday.
Jesus allowed the very people who should have worshipped him to instead beat, torture and slay him in the most horrific way. He died, sufficiently paying the wage of sin for all mankind. He was sealed inside a tomb for three days then lifted himself from among the dead to prove that he is who he says he is - and will do whatever he says he will do. All who humbly seek Him will find Him and all who cling to Him are justified to spend forever with Him.
Amazing. Now that I get it...I can't get over it.
Go, meet with God this Good Friday and I pray you all a blessed Easter!
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 22264
Are you offended by the Christian gospel? Does it make you mad or, at the very least, uncomfortable? Good! I say "good" because that means He is calling just haven't realized it as yet. Did you ever wonder from where that visceral reaction is coming? If you don't believe, why should you care?
If you're like me, you hate it when somebody asks, "Do you know where you're going when you die?" You know who they are, right? Evangelical Christians! Like, who are these people, anyway, to presume that their way to God is the only way to God? And the way they talk about their God, you'd think they've actually had Him over for High Tea!What is Heaven, anyway? If it means sitting around in a white robe, playing the harp and preening my wings all day for eternity, well, they can have it.
Humor me. For the sake of argument, pretend there is a God. Further pretend that this God is exactly who the Christians believe He is. You might say, "Great, so? What kind of God would turn away a good person?" I mean, you're basically a good person, right? Sure you are. Most of us are.
The question is, does our good make us good enough to live forever in the presence of a completely Holy God?
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 14018
Much has changed over the past few years for my family. From the outside looking in, it would appear that we've been under a curse.
However, I have known the "peace that transcends understanding." Does that sound glib, or cliché? It did to me when I had the world at my feet. And I confess I still have days when 'peace' seems far beyond my reach.
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 10460
Today (October 3), specifically at sundown, marks Rosh Hashanah and the start of the Jewish New Year. The first 10 days of the Jewish New Year are set apart as a time of introspection and repentance; kind of like the New Year's resolutions we might make - except with repentance and without the drunken bash.
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 10022
“What are you doing here, Elijah?”
That’s what God asked the prophet Elijah who was hiding in a cave in the mountains, after fleeing in fear of his life from King Ahab of Israel who was willing to allow his people to turn their backs on God in order to please his mephistophelian queen Jezebel, worshipper of Baal.