Our Home School
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 10255
A couple of weeks ago Pumpkin started to show signs of aggression toward Chris. It wasn’t unusual for her to growl at him. I think I’d have growled, too, if he were standing over me, tapping the top of my head while singing that high-pitched “Psycho”-like music. So I didn’t worry about it.
Then one day, she bit him.
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 10306
A couple of weeks ago we were hanging out in Barnes and Noble and I gravitated toward the education section. I found the book “The Well Trained Mind” by Jesse Wise and Susan Wise Bauer. Susan is Jesse’s home schooled daughter. I was impressed by Susan’s dossier – entered college at 17 as a Presidential Scholar, earned her Bachelor’s degree in 5 semesters, visiting student at Oxford, earned 2 Master’s degrees, is now a professor at the College of William and Mary and has published numerous books… .
Anyway, one of my fears has been that my kids would not be prepared to enter college because they have been home schooled. Susan’s success is encouraging to me.
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 10219
But No Pain, No Gain...
Did you miss me?
I’ve been mired in books – home school resource books at home and QuickBooks at the office. I’m ready for a little pleasure reading – next on my fiction list is “The Memoirs of Cleopatra” and some Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I’ve never read the Sherlock Holmes novels (but loved the PBS movies) and hear they are great.
It’s August 1, already – only 2 weeks until we officially start our school year – and I’m praising God for, yet another, heart change.- Details
- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 10117
Welcome to this issue of Home school Hell: Remind Me Again Why This is a Good Idea.
We're on week 2 of a roller-coaster ride that began with an exhilarating Monday of last week climb to the first peak, followed by a tickle-belly drop to the breakdown of my husband's 13 year old car; then the gut-wrenching cork-screw of over-commitment, sleepless nights and blood glucose monitoring; coaxing us back up to the peak of relative productivity for the climactic plunge into the pit of self-pity, self-doubt and the proclamation from Chuck that maybe he should just get a job at the Home Depot and be done with it.
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 10025
Do you remember my post about the "Ebenezer?"Ebenezer means "stone of help," and the only place I've ever run across this word was in an old hymn called "O, Thou Fount of Every Blessing."
Well, just yesterday I ran across another one of "those words" in the hymn "When Morning Gilds the Skies." The word is "canticle" and refers to a song or chant taken from biblical text. What intellectually curious individual could pass up the opportunity to add "canticle" to her vocabulary?