Our Home School
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 9735
This post is in response to a meme I’d been tagged with by "Sprittibee":http://www.sbees.blogspot.com. I should have answered it a long time ago, but she sent 29 questions and I just haven’t been able to sit down and noodle them with the care they require.
I’m not going to tag anyone else, but if you’re reading this and care to write out your own resolutions, please send me your link, I’d love to read it! You can also email me at <a href="mailto:ctadams@borntolead.com">ctadams@borntolead.com</a>.
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 9578
That's how long it took to get to the first meltdown on our first day of school.
Yesterday started out really well. Alex was up extra early, (warning sign #1) and was very excited to start school.
Chris woke groggily and said he was "shaky like Frankenstein" and when I checked his blood glucose it was only 56. We quickly got him something to eat and a glass of OJ and let him rest for a bit before beginning our lessons.
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 9504
Today is our first day of school for the 2005-06 year. For days now, Chris has been waking up asking "Can I do math today?" Saturday he told me that he can't wait for 2 days from now; "Why?" I asked. "Because I get to start school!" he replied.
Alex turned to him and said "Don't worry Chris, you won't be so excited for long." The little Scrooge.
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 9727
The Adams homeschool of language immersion:
Alex: Daddy, can you speak French?
Chuck: Mais oui! Bonjour, je m'appelle Charles. Commnet alez-vous?
Alex: "huh?"
Chuck: "Qui êtes-vous?"
Alex: "Spa-ghet-ti?"
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 10213
Chuck was reading my blog and expressed some concern that, should a reader browse on "Ejucatin' Da Boys," the search would come up blank. Just so Chuck will be able to relax and not worry that our local truant officer or representative from CPS will be knocking at our door, I will say: Our boys are being ejumacated. I just haven't yet published our funny home schooling stories.
This is not a funny story, but may be a good place to start. There are, basically, 3 common objections I get from people who do not home school: 1) kids need socialization, 2) home schoolers are wierd, and 3) kids have fewer options for secondary education.
Why do I home school?
What a fine question and one that I ask myself at least daily. Why do I do this? I could be decorating my house, reading a good book, planting a garden, or writing during the day instead of at 3:00 AM.
We chose home schooling because we want to teach our kids that real life is deeper than Skechers and to let them discover who they are unhindered by peer pressure.